20 Worst Moments Of CM Punk's WWE Career

7. Mocking Paul Bearer's Recent Death During A Feud With The Undertaker

The road to WrestleMania was taking shape, and Punk had just been tossed by the wayside. However, he was too big of a name to be left off the card for WrestleMania 29, so WWE put him in an arbitrary feud with The Undertaker in an attempt to break the streak. Punk's logic was sound; he said he wanted to steal the streak from the fans much the same way that his title had been stolen. Days into the feud, Undertaker's long-time mentor Paul Bearer really did pass away. Punk, as everyone learned from his Jerry Lawler incident, was a verbal powder keg who didn't seem to respect the dead or near-dead. In the weeks leading up to WrestleMania 29, Punk would bring up Bearer during promos in an attempt to break down The Undertaker. The most damning part of the feud occurred when Punk got his hands on an urn (not really containing Bearer's remains, of course) and tossed it around backstage until he dropped it. Once again, fans were left questioning if Punk was erring on the side of bad taste.

Nicole Malczan is a freelance writer, music lover, and pro wrestling fanatic. Combining all of her passions into one is her biggest joy. In her free time, she enjoys walking her dog, reading comics, eating pizza, and playing video games. http://nicolemalczan.weebly.com/