20 Worst Moments Of CM Punk's WWE Career

5. Taking A Break After Losing To The Undertaker At WrestleMania 29

Being defeated by The Undertaker is a tough loss, but at WrestleMania it was almost expected, until Brock Lesnar broke the streak the next year at WrestleMania XXX. Whether CM Punk was just feeling dissatisfied at the current direction of his career, needed a break, or even a little bit of both, on the Raw after WrestleMania, he once again left the WWE. Unlike the second Summer of Punk, this time the WWE Universe didn't see their beloved tattooed loudmouth until June, when Punk was slated to have a match with Chris Jericho at the Payback event. Taking home the victory from Jericho, Punk began interacting with Paul Heyman, Lesnar's mouthpiece. With time, Punk had decided to align with Paul Heyman, which would prove to be both a blessing and a curse. While Punk certainly doesn't need anyone to speak for him, having the backing of Heyman gave him a new credibility. However, it also came with a few problems.

Nicole Malczan is a freelance writer, music lover, and pro wrestling fanatic. Combining all of her passions into one is her biggest joy. In her free time, she enjoys walking her dog, reading comics, eating pizza, and playing video games. http://nicolemalczan.weebly.com/