20 Wrestling Superstars That Totally Rocked

10. The West Texas Rednecks

After "The Great Birthday Cake Assault of '99," Hennig managed to get some backup in the form of Bobby Duncum, Jr. and brothers Barry and Kendall Windham (and later Curly Bill). Despite being The West Texas Outlaws, use of the "West Texas Rednecks" insult caught on and proved surprisingly popular, enough that along with the announcers never using the proper name, the jab itself ended up becoming their official name. In addition to capturing the WCW World Tag Team Championships twice, the group also performed two songs: "Rap is Crap (I Hate Rap)," seen above and released on the WCW Mayhem: The Music CD, and "Good Ol' Boys. With Curt Hennig handling both guitar and vocals, Bobby Duncum, Jr. on lead guitar, Barry Windham taking up the drums, and Kendall Windham with the bass guitar, the quartet serenaded live audiences with songs about their distaste for rap and the southern pastimes they did enjoy. In fact, the song was even popular enough to get (illegitimate?) airtime on the radio! How many other wrestling-originated songs can claim that? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jjp4Cx4xh5I In the end, however, the 40-something strong faces (depending on the night) of the No Limit Soldiers ultimately managed to overcome the odds and best our four heels-turned-heroes. Oh, and before anyone brings up that Hennig was from Minnesota, think of how many wrestlers claim to hail from places other than where they're from for the sake of a gimmick, and if that really matters in the end.
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Maxx Payne
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Former Nintendo Power writer, current Nintendo Force writer. Wrote the book on Mega Man (The Robot Master Field Guide). Was once fired by Vince McMahon. Dabbles in video games, comic books, toys, and fast food curiosities. Once had a new species of exotic bird named after him. It died. You can find more of his writings, musings, and other such things on his websites at Nyteworks.net.