20 WTF Moments In CM Punk's WWE Career

9. Mocking Jerry Lawler's On-Air Heart Attack

On the September 10, 2012 edition of Raw, Jerry Lawler suffered a heart attack while commentating which nearly cost him his life. On the November 12 Raw, Lawler made a heartfelt return, only for CM Punk and Paul Heyman to interrupt him. Punk then riffed on a number of subjects before returning to Lawler, telling him, "Try not to croak before the pay-per-view, OK?", before Heyman began to exhibit symptoms of a heart attack and slumped to the floor. Punk called for help and tried to revive him before, of course, Heyman revealed it was all a joke. Thankfully Mick Foley then came out and puts a stop to it all, but the segment was in very poor taste and just felt like a cheap way for Punk to gain heat. Sure, the whole thing was no doubt approved by Lawler before it was played out, but that doesn't mean fans needed to be subjected to it, or that it wasn't extremely lazy fan-baiting.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.