20 WTF Moments In CM Punk's WWE Career

2. Getting Fired On His Wedding Day & Joining UFC

After leaving the WWE, Punk appeared on Colt Cabana's podcast in November 2014 to talk about his departure from the company. He famously claimed that he actually received his termination papers on his wedding day to AJ Lee in June 2014. To his credit, Vince McMahon didn't deny this or try to downplay it when he appeared on Stone Cold Steve Austin's podcast, instead apologising for it and blaming the move on simply poor timing and communication from within the WWE. Punk didn't accept the apology, though, citing that as AJ was still employed by the WWE and had asked for time off for the wedding and honeymoon, they knew full well what day it was and did it to try and ruin his wedding. He also claimed that Vince should've called or visited him to apologise in private rather than do it "for publicity" on Austin's podcast. Of course, as Punk settled up legally with the WWE and severed all ties, he then went on to make the shock announcement at the end of 2014 that he had signed a multi-year deal with UFC.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.