20 WTF Moments In Stone Cold Steve Austin's WWE Career

10. Aligning With Vince McMahon At The End Of WrestleMania X-Seven

It's not an overstatement to say that the Stone Cold and Vince McMahon feud is a big part of what saved WWE from going under in the 1990s. The company, then still riddled with terrible gimmicks based on everyday occupations and the like, was consistently losing in the ratings fight against WCW. It was only once Austin began terrorizing his boss on live TV every Monday night that viewers began switching over from Nitro to Raw. Millions of fans lived vicariously through Austin as he put a fake gun to Vince's head (we told you) or trashed his new sports car with cement. That's why we just couldn't get over it when the unthinkable happened at the end of WrestleMania X-Seven. Not only did Austin and Vince shake hands, but they shared a few beers together. They were officially on one another's good sides after years of torture. WWE wanted to make Austin a heel, but surely there were far better ways to go about it than aligning him with his sworn enemy.

Nicole Malczan is a freelance writer, music lover, and pro wrestling fanatic. Combining all of her passions into one is her biggest joy. In her free time, she enjoys walking her dog, reading comics, eating pizza, and playing video games. http://nicolemalczan.weebly.com/