20 WWE Attitude Era Superstars You Forgot Existed

11. Pierre

Pantera WWE

Someone, somewhere is guffawing at this.

After all, The Quebecers were a pretty big deal in the early-to-mid-90s years, and who could ever forget evil pirate Jean-Pierre LaFitte stealing Bret Hart's ring jacket in '95? Since then, Carl Oullett, as PCO, has recaptured the hearts and mind of wrestling fans everywhere over in ROH.

You probably don't remember his forgettable stint during the Attitude Era days of 1998 though. Back then, Carl returned as Pierre, and he even got to fight for real in the awful 'Brawl For All' boxing tournament that should never have happened. Alas, a gig was a gig, but Pierre got knocked the f*ck out in the opening round by handpicked pet project 'Dr. Death' Steve Williams.

Following that, the one-time Quebecer only worked another three or four matches for the fed (including as a repackaged 'Kris Kannonball'). His '98 return had been a disaster - it's not something anyone would point to now and say, 'I remember that clearly'.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.