20 WWE Attitude Era Superstars You Forgot Existed

10. Barry Windham

Pantera WWE

Again, countless wrestling fans remember Barry Windham. He was an NWA/WCW stalwart, former member of The Four Horsemen, and quite the talent. There's no doubting what Baz could've achieved had he joined the WWF in his prime, but he didn't.

Windham hit Vinnie Mac's organisation with a whimper in 1996 as 'The Stalker', and the less said about his time with Bradshaw as 'The New Blackjacks' the better. By '98, Barry was recast as himself (sans painted-on facial hair) and became part of Jim Cornette's mini-NWA revival faction that ended up going absolutely nowhere.

His biggest win around that time was a count out victory over Owen Hart on Raw. That was it - that was Windham's main contribution to Corny's ill-advised NWA love fest. Once the WWF chewed through a natural feud with old partner Bradshaw, Barry retreated back to WCW for another stab there.

It's almost like his Attitude Era experience never happened.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.