20 WWE Attitude Era Superstars You Forgot Existed

5. Mr. Hughes

Pantera WWE

Chris Jericho wouldn't point to Mr. Hughes as his favourite on screen ally.

They were pushed together towards the start of Y2J's run in the WWF. Presumably, someone backstage thought the whiny heel needed a heater who could help him cheat, but Hughes was not the right fit. The once-imposing bodyguard had shed a crap ton of weight since last being seen in 1997, and wasn't on top of his game.

Indeed, trawling though old episodes of SmackDown to see Jericho buddying up with Harvey Wippleman's old charge is flat out weird now. Hughes was only in town for a few short months before creative decided that his alliance with Jericho (and, even more strangely, Howard Finkel) sucked ass.

Jericho famously claimed in one of his books that Hughes even fell asleep at ringside during one of his matches. Their union was just never something that was going to work out for longer than a month or two anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.