20 WWE Attitude Era Superstars You Forgot Existed

6. Beaver Cleavage

Pantera WWE

Yes, Beaver f'n Cleavage.

That's a Vince Russo name if you've ever seen one, so it'll come as no surprise that Vinnie Ru's fingerprints were all over this bizarre recast for one half of The Headbangers in 1999. Bruce Prichard has to take a portion of the blame too; he admitted on his pod that 'Leave It To Beaver', the old TV weekly Cleavage was based on, is his favourite show ever.

Literally nobody else was entertained by skits that included lazy sexual innuendos about breast milk or Beaver sleeping with his own mother. Then, when Russo and Prichard were satisfied, they had Cleavage spin off into a new character called Chaz. This time, "mother" was his girlfriend, and it was heavily implied that he'd beat her regularly.

Jesus! You think that's enough controversy?! The Beaver Cleavage guise didn't stick around too long, and neither did 'Chaz: Potential Woman Beater'. The WWF reunited The Headbangers team when Thrasher mercifully returned from an injury lay off.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.