20 WWE Attitude Era Superstars You Forgot Existed

2. Babu

Pantera WWE

Babu was also known as Abu and, before that, Pablo Marquez in the WWF. He had a few matches in the Light-Heavyweight division with list favourite Taka Michinoku before being re-cast as Tiger Ali Singh's back up foil. Neither role really garnered him much attention.

It didn't help that Singh failed to catch on himself.

His bumbling "manservant" never helped Tiger win many matches either, so Babu felt kinda' pointless as a character. The pair had zero heat beyond typical wrestling xenophobia rubbish, and it was clear to everyone watching at the time that Vince McMahon lost interest in Singh pretty darn quickly.

Few will remember seeing Babu wrestle the likes of Al Snow or Goldust in squash matches. He did, however, team with Tiger to face Kurrgan and Luna Vachon on a late-1999 episode of Sunday Night Heat, which yours truly is sure was a classic of the time. Ahem.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.