20 WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Stars You Totally Don't Remember

8. Johnny Stamboli

Alongside the aforementioned Big Vito, Johnny Stamboli came over to WWE from WCW in 2001. His run in WCW had been mainly as a tag-team wrestler with Vito, but WWE were more interested in him as a singles star. Spared the dubious honour of being involved in the 'Invasion' angle, Stamboli was posted to development and kept away from the spotlight for over a full year. Throughout the Summer of 2002 and into 2003, the man wrestled mainly on Sunday Night Heat. From there, he was given his first major storyline on WWE television, forming an incarnation of the 'Full Blooded Italians' alongside Nunzio and Chuck Palumbo. The trio were even handed a brief feud with The Undertaker on Smackdown, but did little else of note. One problem with the Brand Extension was that WWE management seemed to move stars around without any real explanation. Chuck Palumbo was switched to Raw in 2004, meaning the 'FBI' disbanded. Stamboli was thus deemed surplus to requirements, and because the writing staff had nothing for him, he was released from contract.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.