20 WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Stars You Totally Don't Remember

20. Rosey

Bursting onto the scene as part of the tag-team, '3 Minute Warning', Rosey had a weird WWE career. At first, it seemed like the big Samoan and his partner, Jamal, would be a dominating part of the tag-team division from 2002 onwards. Instead, the tandem fizzled out. Jamal would later go on to play Umaga, but Rosey had an altogether more diverse tenure. Turned into a comedy character and teamed with The Hurricane, Rosey became a 'Super Hero In Training'. It doesn't take a genius to work out the joke behind such a moniker, just look at the capital letter in each word. As 3 Minute Warning, Rosey wouldn't come close to winning the WWE Tag-Team Titles, he'd have to dress up as a rotten superhero to make that happen. This was a strange time, the WWE Brand Extension was in full tilt. As a result, Rosey found himself getting lots of screen time on Monday Night Raw. After splitting from The Hurricane, the big man was expected to resume his team with Jamal, but was instead released from contract. Management chose an interesting path with Rosey, because the 3 Minute Warning team could have worked as top tag-team heels.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.