20 WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Stars You Totally Don't Remember

16. Tyson Tomko

Much like many others on this list, it's not hard to see what first appealed to WWE about Tyson Tomko. Possessing an excellent physique, the man also had an intimidating look and overall demeanour. His bald head, facial hair and vivid tattoo work helped him look more menacing, but he'd never go beyond being a bodyguard in the promotion. Introduced as 'The Problem Solver' for Christian, Tomko rarely wrestled in singles matches. After splitting from his Canadian partner in 2005, the man was pushed briefly as a stereotypical monster heel. Sadly, without any real ability on the microphone, there was only so far he was going to go in WWE before interest cooled. That's exactly what happened in 2006, when Tomko was placed in a dead end tag-team with Snitsky. Since leaving WWE in 2006, Tomko has worked in Japan and extensively for TNA. He was re-hired by WWE in 2008, but only wrestled one dark match before getting injured. Whilst healing up, the man was released once more. It's somewhat surprising that WWE never tried to push Tyson Tomko more aggressively, because he had a look that was popular from 2002-2008.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.