20 WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Stars You Totally Don't Remember

15. Sylvain Grenier

If any fans do remember Sylvain Grenier, it's likely as part of the French tag-team, 'La Resistance'. Alongside Rene Dupree, Grenier portrayed a French-Canadian who despised North Americans. The gimmick was highly typical of the foreign heel format WWE have followed over the years, but it wasn't the first time Grenier had shown up on TV. In actual fact, his first role was as a corrupt referee during the Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock rematch at No Way Out 2003. It wasn't long after this that he started wrestling himself, but his in-ring skills were severely limited. Rob Conway was introduced as a French sympathiser for La Resistance, and it looked like he may replace Grenier outright in the team for a while. That didn't happen, as it was actually Rene Dupree who was switched out. With Dupree moving to Smackdown, Grenier and Conway continued as La Resistance. The team was on borrowed time, and Grenier was moved to Smackdown in 2005. Undergoing a change in gimmick and becoming a male model, Sylvain Grenier simply didn't connect with fans under any role, and he was released in 2007.

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