20 WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Stars You Totally Don't Remember

13. Trevor Murdoch

Trevor Murdoch's surname was supposed to lead fans to think he was associated with wrestling legend Dick Murdoch. Signing with WWE in 2005, Murdoch was packaged alongside Lance Cade. The tag-team would have some degree of success over their spell as a unit, winning the WWE Tag-Team Titles on 3 different occasions. Old-school heels, Cade and Murdoch were easy to dislike due to their cheating ways. With that in mind, WWE made the decision to split the duo in 2008. In an attempt to endear Murdoch to the audience and turn him into a babyface, the company instructed him to sing country songs after matches. The team went on a losing streak, and it wasn't uncommon to see Murdoch try to console his partner by singing. Of course, this led to Cade assaulting Murdoch, splitting their tandem. The resultant natural feud between both men never really happened. They did have a match on Raw, but Cade emerged victorious and Murdoch was never given the chance to gain revenge. Drafted to Smackdown shortly afterwards, he was quickly released before making any more appearances.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.