20 WWE Ruthless Aggression Era Tag Teams You've Already Forgotten

18. The Dicks

deuce domino

Oh, man. The Dicks were the most Attitude Era team of all time, which is unfortunate because they debuted in 2005. They were originally OVW standouts Tank Toland and Chad Wicks, but apparently Vince McMahon was briefly possessed by the spirit of Vince Russo, because they were brought to the main roster dressed as male strippers named after penises.

Their wrestling was mostly baby oil-based. They'd rub themselves down with baby oil as part of their entrance, and also every match they ever won involved at least one person being blinded by, you guessed it, baby oil. They feuded almost exclusively with teams on this list, most notably the Mexicools and the Heidenreich version of the Legion of Doom.

Today They'd Be: The Willies. Gotta keep things PG.

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Domino deuce
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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.