20 Years Later... 10 Reasons Vince McMahon Was STILL RIGHT To Screw Bret Hart
5. The Big Ending
"Ring the bell, ring the f**king bell' screamed Vince McMahon as he invented a finish to break hearts and Harts on one of the most infamous evenings he'd ever endure.
It was at that time one of his biggest ever decisions, but it would go on to service countless contests with a controversial conclusion for years to come. Truthfully, a rehash these days generally only draws indifferent sighs from capacity crowds, but the first re-telling of the terrible tale was absolutely inspired.
Making his way to the final of Survivor Series 98's 'Deadly Game' tournament ostensibly to the annoyance of corrupt heels Vince and Shane McMahon, The Rock's corporate collusion was revealed as he locked the Sharpshooter on oblivious opponent Mankind. Stationed ringside, Vince rang the bell (rang the f**king bell) on Foley to anoint 'The Great One' in a truly masterful twist.