20 Years On From WWE In Your House: Canadian Stampede's Main Event: Where Are They Now?
7. Brian Pillman

The second of four sad deaths on the list, Brian Pillman's tragic passing came only three months removed from his riotous display in this exhilarating encounter.
Never a babyface in WWE and rarely exhibiting the traditional traits of one since coming up with the 'Loose Cannon' persona that earned him a role working for Vince McMahon in the first place, Pillman didn't let his physical limitations get in the way of a majestic performance on the side of good for one night only.
His typical nefarious deeds were beloved by the partisan audience, and the smile splashed across his face for virtually the entire encounter was a lovely memory of his short tenure with the company and his life as a wrestler in general.
Splitting off with Goldust for their match at the following month's SummerSlam pay-per-view, the two would fight again at September's Ground Zero: In Your House supercard, with Pillman's victory earning him 30 sordid days with 'The Bizarre One's wife Marlena.
The angle was intended to result in the pair become a heel couple at Goldust's expense, but Brian's 'Ticking Time Bomb' moniker proved all too real when he was found dead just hours before the company's Badd Blood: In Your House show that October.