21 WTF Moments From WCPW Loaded Episode 2

3. Is It Half Past Miller Yet?

Prince Ameen Joseph Conners
WCPW/Oli Sandler

Yes, probably. We could be at quarter to John O'Clock by now... To save you a click I'll include the final two Miller O'Clock moments on this here slide. How considerate is your King?

First of all, Miller shouted "KICKED OUT AT THREE" after Jay Lethal valiantly kicked out at 2 and 3/4s in his match with El Ligero. Should he have kicked out at three like Simon claimed, the match would have been over and Ligero would have a shot at the ROH Title as the pin fall would have been counted.

Stupid idiot.

Then, as Noam Dar locked in his Champagne SuperKneeBar FINISHING MOVE - the only move Miller should really know from Dar - he screamed "he's got him in some form of (inaudible noise)... HE'S GOT HIS ANKLE."

To be fair to Simon, we were working off the hard camera footage along so you couldn't really see what was going on. But I knew... oh yes I knew, plus, as I mentioned before, there's no room for empathy in my world.

You're probably asking to yourself 'but King Ross, why didn't you correct Simon?' Well the answer to that is I couldn't because I was corpsing in the corner of the studio...

No lies... that's it for Miller O'Clock this week.

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.