21 WWE Matches That Almost Got 5 Stars

14. Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit Vs. Steve Austin & Triple H (Monday Night RAW 2001)

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Everyone agrees that from a booking perspective, teaming up a heel Steve Austin and Triple H was a bad idea. However, it cannot be denied that they had tremendous in-ring chemistry, especially when paired up against the likes of Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. In what is considered one of the best RAW matches of all time even to this day, Team Chris took on the Two Man Power Trip for their tag team titles in a blistering affair.

This match is of course most well known for the famous incident where Triple H's quadriceps tore. However, despite such a devastating injury justifiably ending a match nowadays, Hunter chose to go through the finish anyway, including taking a Walls of Jericho on the announce table like the absolute man of steel he is.

Triple H being a masochist aside, this match is still a fantastic affair that shows off how good a heel Stone Cold could be in-ring, and allowed Benoit and Jericho a real rub as babyfaces against the company's two biggest heels. A victory all-around (except for Triple H's quads).


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.