21 WWE Matches That Almost Got 5 Stars

13. TLC III (SmackDown 2001)

undertaker shawn michaels

What's better than another TLC featuring the three classic teams? Why the addition of Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. What's better than a TLC featuring the three classic teams and Team Chris? Putting it on SmackDown for a national audience to watch for free.

Yes, in the utter bedlam that was 2001, WWE capped off their hot run of amazing matches by putting on the third TLC match, one that featured eight of their most talented superstars, on a May episode of SmackDown of all things. Why did this happen? Whose idea was this?

Who knows, and frankly, who cares? The point is: fans across America got to witness the same wicked car wreck shenanigans PPV buyers had seen twice before, with the added bonus of Benoit and Jericho's Hart Dungeon grit to add a little variety. That's like getting a free beer and then a shot of fancy liqueur on the house.

Although this match won't be talked about as much when looking back on TLC (because you-know-who is in it), it's still one that should definitely be checked out.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.