22 Greatest WWE Champion vs. Champion Matches Ever

6. Two Man Power Trip vs. Brothers Of Destruction

Cm Punk John Cena Summerslam 2011

Much like the aforementioned Diesel/Michaels vs. Yokozuna/Hart bout, this was a meeting of four champions with everything on the line—and it somehow involved even greater star-power.

Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H faced The Undertaker and Kane in what must be one of the highest profile tag team matches in all of pro wrestling history. Add to that the fact that Vince McMahon and Stephanie got involved, and you’ve got a match that essentially sells itself.

Ultimately, it was Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H who would leave with the WWE, Intercontinental and Tag Team Championships in the bag, after the Game had laid out Kane with a sledgehammer.

It was the crowning moment for the newly aligned duo, who could have gone on to become one of the most dominant factions ever, had it not been cut cruelly short by Triple H’s ill-timed quadriceps tear.


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