22 Mind-Blowing WCW Wrestler Salaries You Won't Believe

13. Ric Flair, $780,259 In 1998

The Nature Boy Ric Flair was the biggest draw in WCW history, and should have been on the million dollar sums with the other big names. However, management had a dislike for him, and judging by 780K being his top earning year, it appears that he was seriously undervalued and short-changed. Ironically, he actually missed some of 1998 due to a real life spat and lawsuit against Eric Bischoff. However, the end result was a worked Bischoff versus Flair match at Starrcade 1998. He was one of the most over WCW stars in that year, just as he tended to be most years.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.