22 Mind-Blowing WCW Wrestler Salaries You Won't Believe

3. Bret Hart, $2,694,857 In 1998

As part of the Monday Night Wars, Eric Bischoff landed a blow on the WWF that he thought would kill them. He signed Vince's top franchise star, Bret Hart, to WCW. But the way it worked out, he did the WWF a favour. Vince screwed Bret on the way out, thus setting himself up as a far more valuable character and laying the scene for Stone Cold Steve Austin. The WCW signing of Bret also relieved Vince of a big expense. On top of that, Bret was past his prime. Bischoff was splashing record money, but he had no chance of making it back. Benefiting from the WCW versus WWF war, Hart was able to secure a deal worth close to three million dollars. He earned $2,694,857 in 1998, but the creative team absolutely killed his character. Everyone lost out, except Vince McMahon.
WWE Writer

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