22 Mind-Blowing WCW Wrestler Salaries You Won't Believe

2. Hulk Hogan, $4,610,062 In 1999

Surprisingly, Hulk Hogan isn't the top of this list. However, it is believed that he may have earned up to $10 million at various points in his WCW career, by the time his full range of clauses and other payments were factored in. But officially, according to court documents, $4,610,062 was his top earning year in WCW. It was 1999, a year he started with a World Title win, during the infamous "fingerpoke of doom" Nitro. He turned babyface later in the year, taking back the red and the yellow. His ring performances were rubbish, but he still had star status. Was he worth nearly five million dollars? No. His character and his cost were a big burden on WCW.
WWE Writer

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