22 Mind-Blowing WCW Wrestler Salaries You Won't Believe

1. Goldberg, $5,191,132 In 1999

WCW's court documents reveal that the most they ever paid a wrestler, was $5,191,132 to Bill Goldberg in 1999. He'd became one of the biggest stars in the industry during 2000, so you can see why they valued him so highly. The problem was, so much of his value was connected to his undefeated streak. Once he lost that at the end of 1998, he was nowhere near as big of a star. He wrestled the likes of DDP, Sid, and Bret Hart in 1999, but the WWF had became head and shoulders above WCW. With that in mind, WCW wasn't really getting that much value for money on Goldberg's wages. The huge sums he was earning also explains why he didn't sign with WWE until 2003. It was a huge pay cut to work for Vince, when he'd been used to being WCW's highest ever earner.
WWE Writer

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