22 WTF Moments From WWE SmackDown (Oct 11)

20. "Daniel Ziggler"

ellsworth aj clash smackdown wtf

SmackDown Live General Manager Daniel Ziggler, to you.

Oh Mauro... even David Otunga put you right there. That would be like Adam Parmesan telling Eric Bischoff how to be a good General Manager, or any other applicable situation that sees someone who is bad at their job telling somebody who is good at their job what to do.

Mauro then went on to get the mistaken identity count doubled a couple of moments later when he started to call the Intercontinental Champion "Dan..." before a brief pause to compose and correct himself.

Mauro's got Daniel Bryan on the brain. I wonder why...

Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.