There's no denying everything Vince McMahon has done for the pro wrestling industry, but as with many visionaries, he's also proven himself to be jaw-droppingly insane over the years. As Vince has increasingly inserted himself into on-air storylines over the last two decades, he's only further proven how hilariously out of touch, how ballsy, and often how uproariously entertaining he can be. Whether he's humiliating himself for our entertainment or intentionally crossing the lines of taste and decency, the WWE's chairman and CEO has been responsible for many of the company's most memorable moments, both for better and for worse, challenging our resolve to keep watching but at times also ensuring we couldn't look away. McMahon's legacy is long-cemented as a revolutionary entertainer, but it's going to be hard to forget these moments, most of them extremely divisive, some undeniably reprehensible, and a few you'll doubtless regard as guilty pleasures...
22. The 1993-1994 Steroids Scandal
In 1993, Vince was indicted on charges that he distributed anabolic steroids to members of his roster, leading to a high-profile 1994 trial, during which Vince gave controlling power of the WWF over to wife Linda. Infamous wrestler Nailz testified that Vince ordered him to use steroids, but his credibility was severely tarnished when McMahon's defense successfully painted him as a disgruntled ex-employee. The prosecution also intended for their silver bullet to be a testimony from Hulk Hogan, but hilariously, Hogan in fact stated that Vince had never ordered or attempted to give him steroids. McMahon was acquitted as a result, though the trial was a massive PR blow for not only the WWE but the sport as a whole. Still, why has nobody made a movie about this yet?
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.