22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

21. Taking A Lie Detector Test

One of the most hilarious and memorable segments in Smackdown history took place on the May 28, 2003 episode, where Vince ordered "Mr. America" to submit to a lie detector test to prove he wasn't in fact Hulk Hogan. Mr. America passed with flying colours of course, and Vince decided that if a blatant liar can pass it, then he can probably pass it too. Vince gets hooked up and Mr. America asks him, "Are you the biggest a**hole on God's green Earth?" Vince answers "no" to which the machine makes a buzzing noise, indicating a wrong answer. Vince simply asks in disbelief, "I am?" The line of questioning continues with Vince being shown that he knows he's a "perverted, power-hungry freak", and when he asserts that he's a well-respected businessman who does it all for the fans, the machine buzzes every time he stops for a breath. Vince gets exasperated with the machine and eventually admits, "I do what I do for me and me only!", to which it finally emits a more pleasant "bing" noise, indicating a correct answer. Still, the machine continues to buzz as he makes declarations and answer questions. We learn that he masturbated to Torrie Wilson's Playboy spread and fantasises about Mae Young, and he tells the truth when he tells Hogan that he hates him. Vince then demands he get disconnected from the machine, after which Mr. America knocks him out cold. Classic.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.