22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

7. The "Death" Of Vince McMahon...And Resurrection

The June 11, 2007 episode of Raw concluded with McMahon walking through the bowels of the building, passing by the majority of the WWE roster as he did so. He eventually made it outside, looked over his shoulder a few times and then got inside his limo, which spontaneously exploded the moment he closed the door. The WWE reported Vince as "presumed dead", and a memorial episode was planned for the June 25 episode as a "Who killed Mr. McMahon?" storyline was set to kick off. Sadly, the Chris Benoit murder-suicide completely derailed the storyline, causing Vince to reveal that he was, in fact, alive, and move on with the aforementioned paternity storyline instead. Numerous reports suggest that Linda McMahon was ultimately going to be revealed as behind the explosion, but sadly, the Benoit incident spared us a treasure trove of more WTF moments.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.