22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

6. Becoming WWE & ECW Champion

On the September 16, 1999 episode of Smackdown, McMahon challenged Triple H for the WWE Title, while son Shane served as special guest referee. With Shane's help, a bloodied Vince managed to win the match and the title, before vacating the belt on the next week's episode of Raw. Yes, it was totally ridiculous and is a bizarre entry into the record books that can never be undone, but at least Vince was smart enough to quickly pass the belt over ahead of the upcoming Unforgiven PPV. Vince wasn't quite so smart with the ECW Title, however, defeating Bobby Lashley for it at Backlash 2007 in a handicap match. He then held the belt for 35 days before losing it back to Lashley at the One Night Stand PPV in a Street Fight. What next, the Divas Title?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.