22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

2. The Proposed Incest Angle With Stephanie

Proving that Vince would even pervert the idea of his own family unit in the pursuit of "what's best for business", the 2006 McMahon DVD revealed that when Stephanie fell pregnant with HHH's baby, Vince floated the idea to her that there could be angle revolving around the child's identity, with the ultimate reveal being that Vince was himself the father. Naturally, Stephanie instantly vetoed it, in an interview stating, "I don't know who would find entertainment in a storyline like that", only for Vince to then suggest a compromise: it'd be her brother Shane instead. Again, Steph nixed it, but the strangest thing is that Vince allowed this information to be made public at all: what good did he possibly think could come of it, and why did Steph willingly admit such a controversial piece of information? Either way, it only reinforces how certifiably insane the guy is.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.