22 WTF Vince McMahon Moments

1. The Montreal Screwjob

And finally, we come to the angle that turned more heads than any other, that's been constantly talked about ever since it happened and made Vince McMahon one of the most controversial figures in wrestling history overnight above all else. Ahead of the 1997 Survivor Series PPV, where Bret Hart was to defend his WWF Title against Shawn Michaels, Hart had already signed a contract with WCW, and Vince was worried that Bret would take off without surrendering the belt. The original planned finish was a DQ victory for Bret, with Bret then surrendering the title on a future episode of Raw before leaving for WCW. However, Vince grew increasingly anxious that Hart would take the belt to WCW and publically embarrass the company, so plotted with Michaels, Pat Patterson and referee Earl Hebner to change the ending to the match without Hart's knowledge. Instead, when HBK put Hart in the Sharpshooter, Vince ordered the bell to be rung, in an attempt to make it look like Hart submitted. The show ended in hugely confusing fashion for TV viewers, though many had guessed what had happened, leading to mass outrage backstage, at the arena and online. Hart then went backstage and punched Vince, and though Hart arrived in WCW soon thereafter, the Screwjob has endured as an iconic wrestling event ever since, helping to make McMahon the ultimate heel character. Whether what Vince did was "best for business" or just horrendously unprofessional and under-handed, it's surely the most shocking thing he's ever done. What are your favourite Vince McMahon WTF moments? Shout them out in the comments!

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.