24 Mind-Blowing Facts About WWE Raw

5. The Weekly Catering Order

John Bradshaw Layfied recently made a shoot comment on Raw about how the Raw catering budget has been cut back. Up until recently, the catering amounted to 6 pies, 6-8 cases of vegetables, 500 cookies, 15 gallons of soup, 180lbs of chicken, 150lbs of beef or pork, 65 cases of water, 10 cakes, 40 cases of soda, 5 gallons of rice, 100lbs of potatoes and 3 cases of energy drinks. Since 1993, WWE estimates that it has served their staff at Raw approximately 169 tons of meat, 51 tons of potatoes, 8,000 cases of vegetables and 500,000 cookies. Whatever happened to plain salad and chicken?
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