24 Mind-Blowing Facts About WWE Raw

4. The Weekly Production Logistics

The weekly shooting of Raw requires 3,000ft of cable, 12 trucks, 2 TV trucks, 1 satellite truck, 1 generator truck, 8 crew buses, 5 talent buses, 100+ local crew members, 79,872 individual bulbs, 12 cameras, 48 speakers, and 2,800 pieces of pyro. With all of that in mind, you can understand how WWE's Raw production bill comes to $700,000 each week. The logistical nightmare is actually something WWE has attempted to cut back on, with the hope of keeping costs as low as possible and maximising profit. For example, if you take a look at a 2002 Raw and compare it to a 2015 Raw, you'll see that the staging and pyro has been cut back upon dramatically.
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WWE Writer

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