25 Best John Cena Matches

2. Vs. Brock Lesnar Vs. Seth Rollins - Royal Rumble 2015

john cena cm punk

John Cena defeated Randy Orton at Hell in a Cell 2014 to earn a Royal Rumble title shot against Brock Lesnar, but Money in the Bank briefcase holder Seth Rollins was added to the bout in the weeks leading up to it, disappointing those who wanted to see another one-on-one classic between Cena and Lesnar. As it turned out, Rollins's presence catapulted the bout into legendary territory, creating the wildest brawl in WWE history.

Lesnar dominated both challengers early in the match, but was unable to put either man away due to the presence of the other. Cena fought back, delivering a string of AAs to Lesnar, but Rollins broke the cover and hit the champion with a Curb Stomp. This time, Cena had to make the save. Cena hit Lesnar with the ring steps, laying him out on the announcers' table, and Rollins then climbed up to the top turnbuckle and took Lesnar out with an elbow drop. With Lesnar on the ropes, Cena and Rollins battled, but J & J Security prevented Cena from scoring the win.

Attendants attempted to stretcher Lesnar away from the ringside area, but "The Beast" fought them off. Rollins hit a Phoenix Splash on Cena, but Brock re-entered the ring and made the save, then hit J & J with a double German suplex. Rollins came back with a pair of briefcase shots on Lesnar, but the WWE Champion caught him with an F-5 and pinned him, ending a match that needed to be seen to be believed.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013