25 Best John Cena Matches

20. Vs. Bobby Lashley - Great American Bash 2007

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Bobby Lashley scored one of the biggest wins in wrestling history at WrestleMania XXIII, defeating Umaga in the most hyped match on what was, at the time, the most successful wrestling Pay-Per-View event in history. It seemed only fitting that Lashley would get a shot at John Cena's WWE Title, and while he came up short in a multiple man match at Vengeance, he wasn't pinned. After winning a Beat the Clock challenge on Raw, Lashley won a one-on-one match with Cena at The Great American Bash.

The bout, a rare babyface-versus-babyface clash, saw Lashley take the lead in the opening. Cena fought back, applying an STFU, but Lashley escaped. The drama began to build, and soon Lashley kicked out of an FU. Cena kicked out of a Spear, staying in the match, and the two battled up to the second turnbuckle, where John Cena hoisted Lashley onto his shoulders. Cena jumped down to the canvas with Lashley, debuting the Super FU and finally scoring the pinfall.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013