25 Best Moments Of WWE Monday Night RAW (Year-By-Year)

23. 1995: "The Ringmaster" Debuts

Alright, cards on the table: yes, this segment technically aired in January of 1996, having been taped in December of the previous year. However, an exception must be made because a) it's the debut of Steve freaking Austin on WWF TV, and b) 1995 was awful and gives us absolutely nothing to work with.

With that out of the way: this was the first time viewers were exposed to Steve Austin... kind of. Having been cast away from WCW, Austin enjoyed a brief creative rejuvenation in ECW before being scooped up into the major leagues once again in late 1995. However, Vince McMahon's vision for the performer was completely alien from the Rattlesnake we would come to know, as this garish segment shows. Austin debuted as "The Ringmaster", the new handpicked Million Dollar champion of Ted DiBiase.

Thankfully, this gimmick would fade quickly, and Austin would soon embrace his Stone Cold persona. Still, this segment is important for obvious reasons.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.