25 Biggest WWE Epic Failures Of 2016
8. Emmalina Doesn't Debut

The jury is still out on how big of an "epic failure" this will end up being, but with the "world premiere" of Emmalina being hyped up for almost three months and there has yet to be a payoff, it's safe to say that it has been a bust thus far.
Emma was just starting to hit her stride when he got injured back in the spring, but the hope was that she could pick up where she left off upon her return. Although she was cleared to compete months ago, WWE has wasted valuable time airing video packages promoting her as "Emmalina," a supermodel obsessed with her looks.
As the old cliche goes, if it isn't broken, don't fix it, and there was no need for WWE to stray away from the evil Emma character that fit her to perfection. It's possible she will return and reveal the "Emmalina" garbage to be a ruse, but even if that's the case, what are they waiting for? Raw's women's division desperately needs new blood and Emma would be a fresh face in the title picture right now. She could contest great matches with Charlotte Flair, Sasha Banks, and Bayley.
Either way, the sooner she arrives on Raw, the better.