25 Coolest Wrestling Attires Ever

7. Cactus Jack

Raven's tatty appearance may have failed him upon breaking into the big leagues, but Mick Foley pulled it off with aplomb. Mankind may be the most immediately recognisable of his three "faces", but Cactus Jack must be considered the coolest. On the rare occasions he brought Jack out to play, Foley's entire persona would be transformed by a simple change of attire. Suddenly his vicious snarling and in-ring sadism wasn't hidden by Mankind's mask or softened by the comically bright clothing of Dude Love. Instead, he looked like a genuine outlaw (confirmed by the iconic 'Wanted Dead' poster design on his chest), and a deranged force to be reckoned with.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.