25 Coolest Wrestling Attires Ever

3. Kane

Kane's debut at Badd Blood 1997 is probably the most effective in WWE history. It's hard to forget the impact of a seven-foot giant stomping to the ring, ripping the cell's door clean off, and attacking one of the biggest stars in the company. To make such an instant impression, you have to have a strong look - and Kane had it in spades. His distinctive red and black attire may have undergone various changes over the years, but always stands out from the pack. He was also blessed with one of the most effective masks in wrestling history, providing a menacingly emotionless contrast with the uncontainable fury beneath it. Since losing the mask in 2003, Kane has unsurprisingly struggled to regain the air of menace and mystique he once held, becoming just another angry big guy. Luckily his legacy as one of the most intimidating superstars ever remains intact, largely thanks to his now-iconic attire.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.