25 Greatest "Martial Arts" Wrestlers Ever
Everybody was kung fu fighting!
Mixed martial arts are hugely popular these days, and pro wrestling has been taking a lot of cues from MMA. Ronda Rousey was at WrestleMania, and her popularity supposedly helped sell Vince McMahon on the Divas Revolution. Brock Lesnar went off to UFC and returned as a monster capable of wrecking Undertaker and John Cena with ease. Despite this newfound popularity, though, people have been mixing martial arts with conventional pro graps for years, and it's historically been hilarious. Sure, it's fun to see Undertaker get dropped on his head 12 seconds into a match, but wouldn't you rather watch Ernest Miller dispatch jobbers with clumsy thrust kicks? This list is a loving tribute to the men who shoehorned cartoon karate chops into their movesets, made Bruce Lee noises in the ring, and most impressively, forced their hapless opponents to pretend it was deadly. I've also attempted to determine what, if any, specific style each wrestler was attempting to imitate, though I'm sure I was less than totally successful. I'm pretty sure I caught all the ninjas, however.