25 Greatest WWE WrestleMania Matches Ever

23. Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Lesnar (WrestleMania XIX)


The closer of WrestleMania XIX was less an excellent match and more of a triumph over circumstance. It was once unfathomable that Angle, with his spine in shreds and tatters, could even work any match with Lesnar come March 30, let alone a highly-physical one. Against better judgement, Angle performed in the bout, and just about came out of it in better shape than his brutish opponent.

Those that don't hang in the dirtsheet chow line wouldn't have known about Angle's medical crisis from watching the match, as he ably kept up with Lesnar. But those watching all realized how close Lesnar was to a broken neck when his shooting star press went awry. Even with the horrifyingly-botched finish, it's a match worthy of each man's talents.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.