25 Greatest WWE WrestleMania Matches Ever

22. Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Jericho (WrestleMania XIX)


Michaels was only performing on a semi-regular basis at the time, still wading into the waters of a full-on return to the ring. After a mediocre match with Triple H at Armageddon, and a very brief Royal Rumble appearance, it stood to reason that expectations shouldn't be so elevated for the WrestleMania match. However, a highly-motivated Jericho had captivated Michaels with his ideas for a storyline, and it only escalated from there.

Thus was the rebirth of Mr. WrestleMania, the exhumation of a performer that routinely put his peers to shame at one time out of insecurity, but now out of second-nature friendly competition. Michaels and Jericho wove a wonderful story of envy and ego, indicating that Michaels may well be a Dorian Gray that painted over the smeared portrait of his troubled youth.


Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.