25 Ways WWE Has Ruined Raw
16. Rampant Overproduction
Kevin Dunn has taken several lifetimes worth of stick throughout his decades-long tenure as WWE's Vice President of Production, and most of it is entirely justified.
Vince's right hand man's production techniques are nauseating. Not content to let his cameras rest on a single shot for more than a couple of seconds, he cuts between frames with reckless abandon, delivering a product that often feels more like a Powerpoint slideshow than live TV footage. Last week, Dunn's schizophrenia saw him cut one match 12 times in just 15 seconds - it's almost like he's trolling us at this point.
He has been an Executive Producer since 1993, but Dunn's bad habits haven't always been this pronounced. Frankly, WWE need to reign him in. The man's cuts, awkward camera angles, and apparent backstage toxicity make him one of the biggest detriments to modern WWE programming. Here's hoping those rumours that Triple H and Stephanie plan on cutting him loose when they ascend to power are true...