25 Worst Wrestling Moments Of 2024
10. MXM Get Fooled By Billy Gunn
A bad segment that made idiots of its central characters and fools of the fans that dared (and still dare) to invest, the reveal that MXM's model friend "Hans" was actually Billy Gunn was a lowlight of a bit of a low night as Grand Slam Collision went through the motions in a half-empty Arthur Ashe Stadium.
Gunn hoodwinked them in a bit designed to add heat to the models' feud with The Acclaimed, but a comedic segment that completely forgot to be funny also failed to generate any further tension between the teams. To call it lightweight material would be unfair, because it wasn't even really material.
A distinct lack of a punchline beyond making idiots out of characters that are already idiots, this played out to punters that were either bored or tired, and gave them nothing to turn the mood around. The loudest and most dedicated from Dynamite had decided to stay for two more hours of television as opposed to those that had made for the exits. They deserved better than this.