26 Times Wrestling Titles Have Been Disrespected

14. Triple H Is Handed The World Heavyweight Championship

WWF Title broken
As mentioned in the earlier entry about Chris Jericho's "ghost" WWF Championship win, a title is seen as a mark of excellence, a result of hard work, dedication and the clichéd blood, sweat and tears. So what better way to show utter disrespect to those champions who did all of that than by having a title simply handed to somebody?

When Undisputed Champion Brock Lesnar was signed exclusively to Smackdown, it left Raw without a World Championship to fight for. Whereas a popular option would've been some sort of tournament to crown a new champion (hey, who doesn't like tournaments, right?), Eric Bischoff would present Triple H with the returning World Heavyweight Championship.

Until the most recent incarnation of NXT, the Internet at large has never been too fond of Triple H, and being handed the World Heavyweight Championship was just more ammunition for the irked members of the IWC. That and the fact that 5 of the returned title's first 9 reigns all saw Triple H with the gold.

Away from the bashing of The Game, it was just seen as a massively disrespectful move to hand someone such a highly coveted prize that so many had worked so hard to obtain previously.

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Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.