26 Times Wrestling Titles Have Been Disrespected

15. Chris Jericho's "Ghost" WWF Title Win

WWF Title broken

The representation of a wrestling championship is that you are the very best in your field, that you have bled, sweat and busted your ass to see all of the hard work culminate in ultimate success. So what happens when you do all of that, only to then have the title cruelly snatched away from you and your win erased from history?

Well that is exactly what happened to Chris Jericho.

In the mist of the McMahon-Helmsley regime days, the cocky babyface known as the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla would lull Triple H into defending his WWF Championship on an episode of Monday Night Raw. Unfortunately for Triple H, Y2J had a contingency plan known as the A.P.A. in place and he'd end up pinning Hunter after hitting the Lionsault, becoming the WWF Champion as a result.

The crown went absolutely nuts as Jericho scurried up the ramp with the gold, but sadly this reign was to soon be wiped out of existence when Triple H manipulated referee Early Hebner into reversing the decision.

Storyline-wise, it was a great abuse of power from Triple H, disrespecting the values and hard work associated with becoming World Champion, and it only furthered the anger felt towards the heel champ.

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Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.