26 WTF Moments From WWE RAW (June 1)

20. Everybody Talks Too Much

WWE must have changed their microphone provider very recently as you can quite literally hear everything that goes on between the ropes now. It was shockingly apparent at Elimination Chamber and continued throughout RAW. It needs to be stopped, somehow. The first example of this on last night's show was when Roman Reigns was taking on King Barrett and you can clearly hear one of them asking "are you OK" and the other replying "yes". The majority of matches used to go by utterly seamlessly. The moves and sequences the superstars used to put on happened as if by magic, you hardly ever heard them talk to one another. Of course, one or two words would slip out here and there but nothing major. Now though, you hear everything that goes on which ruins the experience somewhat.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.